Our Road to Recovery!
Mersey Community Care have put a plan in place to allow our volunteers to return to what they love doing, in a safe manner! It will be a long 'drip fed' process, but we are being extremely cautious in order to prevent a 2nd COVID-19 wave to occur. This process will be conducted in accordance with MCCA’s Infection Control Procedures and our COVID-19 Plan, which includes a Re-Induction presentation that ALL volunteers will be required to attend.
Due to the social distancing restrictions, only 5 volunteers can attend an induction session at a time and we are holding 2 sessions per day (morning and afternoon). This allows us to thoroughly clean the boardroom, prior to the next induction taking place. Once volunteers have completed our COVID-19 induction, they will be contacted by a Program Coordinators, as needed.
Although all of our volunteers will 'eventually' complete the Re-Induction presentation, we will only be tasking a few volunteers at a time, to ensure social distancing restrictions are adhered to and to avoid overcrowding within our premises. Unfortunately, our building and office areas, will not enable us to maintain '4 square metre distancing', if all volunteers come back to work at the same time.
We hope that all our volunteers can return soon, and we thank you all for your patience and cooperation during this transition.
We look forward to seeing you all soon.
